Luke Warmcop, a.k.a. Paul Emploi, a.k.a. Rhum Arrangé, a.k.a. Numéro 10,
is a famous criminal whose origins remain obscure. Some say he was born
in Calcutta in 1925, others assure that his parents lived on a boat on
the Donau river, and that he's much younger than he looks...
Several crimes are credited on his account: the murder of François 1er's great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson
in 1951, the mysterious disappearance of trombonist Glenn Miller in
1944 (Warmcop is said to have been the pilot of the aircraft, and to
have survived the accident), the robbery of 15 banks in the USA, 9 in
USSR and 3 in France. He also attempted to bomb the French Comedy
television studios, after finding a new program really disappointing.
Luckily Luke never got found guilty for these crimes and always managed
to keep his freedom. With the money from the bank robberies, he bought
a bargain tape recorder and produced 6 EP's and 3 LP's. A few major
companies were interested in releasing them, but Luke turned them all
down, prefering to remain unknown.
After meeting physician Albert Einstein (shortly before his death) in a
Weatherspoon pub, he got given the secret to time travel. Luke then
spent 4 years elaborating a time-machine, with the intention of
visiting - and murdering - a few monarchs from the Renaissance he
particularily hated. Unfortunately the cabin of the machine was too
small for a human being and Luke had to send his 2-year-old cat back to
1635 - and eventually lost Einstein's precious formulas in a house bbq.
Between 1965 and 1975 he had a break from murdering and robbing, and started running a sex-shop as well as a music collective: Catapulte.
Nowadays, Luke Warmcop is part of Guess What, the Rectifiers and Orchestre du Montplaisant. Between each gig he tries to murder a few rich people to cover his petrol expenses.
